fdatest - Interval Testing Procedure for Functional Data
Implementation of the Interval Testing Procedure for
functional data in different frameworks (i.e., one or
two-population frameworks, functional linear models) by means
of different basis expansions (i.e., B-spline, Fourier, and
phase-amplitude Fourier). The current version of the package
requires functional data evaluated on a uniform grid; it
automatically projects each function on a chosen functional
basis; it performs the entire family of multivariate tests;
and, finally, it provides the matrix of the p-values of the
previous tests and the vector of the corrected p-values. The
functional basis, the coupled or uncoupled scenario, and the
kind of test can be chosen by the user. The package provides
also a plotting function creating a graphical output of the
procedure: the p-value heat-map, the plot of the corrected
p-values, and the plot of the functional data.